Daniela can be reached by email or by phone :
Appointments, questions and comments : skin911@daniela.com
(for faster response, please email)
To get the best care for your skin, please include
skin911@daniela.com in your contacts.
Daniela can be reached by phone at 773-525-7546, but emial is preferred. The receptionist's name is Comcast, so always leave a message if there is no answer. Your call cannot be returned if you leave no message! You need not worry about whether you should both call and email. One or the other is fine.
Questions are always welcome, but in some cases, consultation fees may apply. Please feel free to ask about your skin and the products you see here on this web site.
Or better yet, get started on better skin now by filling out either
Eval by Email® Online Skin Care Consultation Form !